Building great games on the bleeding-edge of tech. We are the confluence of the entertainment and gaming worlds.
Coming from decades of VFX and game development experience gives our team a unique advantage.
We tell great stories while utilizing the latest in entertainment technologies.
Building games on the bleeding edge
What do we do?
Are you on top of your game? Come join us!
We're on the lookout for exceptional talent.

Meet our global team of passionate game developers from Canada, UK and the United States.
Our guild is awesome!
industry veterans
CEO and Founder
Blinkmoon Games
Hugh Behroozy
"We strive to make games that will leave a lasting impression because of their immersive worlds, inspiring visuals, and purposeful gameplay that reflects who we are and what we value most."
OUR Tech
Technologies we love
Wondering what we like to work with? Geek out on the tech below.
We worked on visuals for Guardians of the Galaxy, Game of Thrones, Rainbow Six, Ratchet & Clank, and more.
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talents wanted
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